Thursday, June 14, 2007

That Moon's Not Waning Yet!

Well, here's an interesting piece of news: in honor of the upcoming 60th anniversary of Good Night, Moon, HarperCollins and Johnson & Johnson's (yes, the baby lotion people) are sponsoring a bedtime story competition.

Submit a maximum of 1500 words by July 16. If your original bedtime story is chosen as the grand prize winner, it will be published in a limited print run by HarperCollins. You also could win a slew of really nice prizes, including a few hundred dollars worth of good children's books from HarperCollins.

I just read about this today in a children's writer e-letter I receive regularly. I clicked on over to the official competition website. Looks like fun!

Do I have time to do this? No. Will I try? Maybe. I've not had a good year as far as writing projects and publication attempts, but I've had modest success in writing competitions before, and I've had several children's story ideas brewing for a while now. This afternoon I picked the sweet girl's brain (and her memory) to get her to talk about some of her very favorite bedtime stories.

Of course at lunch I mentioned it to D. and we got to giggling about a silly possibility that apes the classic itself (which of course would not have a chance of winning, since originality counts). How about "Good Night, Spoon"? I suggested, and D. laughed and said yes...a bedtime story for a child with a cough!


Erin said...

Oooh, what a great contest! I will definitely have to think about this one... Thanks for the heads-up! :D

Beth said...

Yep! I've passed this on to another friend as well. I know, I know... more competition. (Grin.) But I figure thousands of people will likely enter something like this anyway.

And what have we got to lose? At the worst, we will have written some lovely stories (I hope)...