Thursday, December 04, 2008

Just Because I Don't Want to Forget This

The sweet girl was sound asleep when I went in to get her up this morning. I gently woke her and then, after giving a few stretches and yawns, she crawled sleepily onto my lap. We don't seem to have quite as many of these cuddly moments (now that she's a big girl of almost six and a half) as we used to, so I treasure every second of warm little girl in white kitty-cat pajamas scrunched up under fleece blankets and resting on my lap that I can get.

I asked her if she slept well and she said yes. Then, still bleary-eyed, but clearly beginning to wake up, she announced the following tale. I'll write it as clearly as I can remember it...there were a few pauses where I prompted her with general "and then what" kinds of questions. But here it is, complete and unabridged.

"Last night before I fell asleep, I made up a story about a family named the Thursdays. They have three children, twin girls and a baby boy. And they went to the park and the store and ran some errands. They had a picnic at the park. There were two slides there, and they were the same length. The twin girls slid down the slides and the one that got to the bottom of her slide first won. And then they bought a watermelon at the store. The post office and the store just took a few minutes, so after that they went to a restaurant to eat some dinner and then they came home."

Wow. So I'm not the only one in this household who makes up stories before I fall asleep! Kind of nice to know.


Erin said...

I'd say you have a budding writer there! I still have a story that Nathan wrote when he was four or five, using a sheet of Pooh stickers as illustrations. It's all on one piece of paper, and there are lines pointed every which way and half of it's unreadable; I'm glad I had the presence of mind to have him read it to me and transcribe it; I put the more legible version on the back, so I can look at it now and know exactly what he was trying to say... :)

Beth said...

Hee! I'm trying to capture some of Sarah's stories on paper too. I even got her a little "story journal" that we're going to be using next term, with space to write stories and illustrate them. Fun!

I still have my first grade notebook where I "wrote" down stories, or in some cases dictated them to our teacher, who typed them. I recognize now that she was having us "narrate" things back to her, just the way I do with S. I loved that teacher!

I'll bet Nathan's story is adorable. :-)