Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Be Still, My Heart

Most of our ice has melted.
It rained much of the day.
We're awash in mud.
The rhododendrons down the street are in bud.

I know winter is not over and done, and won't be for a long time, but my heart fluttered a bit (just a tiny bit! like a baby bird first trying its wings!) in anticipation of spring.

And I always like to report those first spring stirrings...


Erin said...

And I always like to read them!

Our spring stirrings today were the huge chunks of ice falling off the roof...

Beth said...

Oh my! Sounds hazardous! But I'm glad the ice is going away. We were wowed by nearly 70 degree temps today...lured outside, where we took a long, leisurely walk and actually played "spring detective" in February. We know that winter's making a comeback soon...sounds like tomorrow actually...but what a lovely respite today.