Thursday, January 21, 2010

Confessions of a Word Collector

Today I found
these four huddled together
like a flock of geese
that had just alighted
on my coffee table,
Beautiful. Glorious.
Life. Stretch.

I wonder what they looked like
in sky-formation
before they settled down
to peck and preen.
Is it glorious to stretch
in this beautiful life?
Is it beautiful to stretch
for a life more glorious?
Is life, perhaps,
really a glorious,
beautiful stretch?
While I'm contemplating,
ink and paper wings
flutter almost imperceptibly.
From the corner of my eye,
I try to catch them
lifting off.

~EMP, January 2010


Erin said...

I love it! And how did they happen to be nestled on your coffee table? Are you in the midst of a poetry project? We've got one of those magnetic poetry sets on our front door, and Nathan is especially fond of arranging the words... As to the questions you pose, all of the above sound good to me!

Beth said...

Hee! I took a bit of poetic license here...I don't actually have a coffee table, but a small side table next to the couch where I often put my mug of tea in the morning. There's this lovely turkish tile I keep there. I found the words (some I cut from magazines, which I do a lot) just scattered across the surface of the table, underneath some receipts and things. I don't even remember when I cut these out or why they're there (maybe I was making cards sometime...) Anyway, when I saw what four words they were, the poem came. And then I just had to arrange them for a photo shoot on top of the tile! :-)

Erin said...

That tile is really pretty! We don't have any kind of a table in our living room now that Nathan has taken back the one he made, though we do have a very beaten-up card table that we're always putting up...