Monday, April 19, 2010

Mother-Daughter Poem: Shell

We've been reading lots of wonderful poetry this month, but on Friday we tried our hand at writing a joint poem. The sweet girl has been playing a lot with her shell collection lately (a number of beautiful shells her Dad picked up on the beach in South Carolina last year) and we spent a while just doing some wordplay exercises with the shells (what do they look like? what do they feel like? what colors are they?) before we wrote this poem together.


The long silver shell
is swirled.
It looks like it has
a window.
When I look through it
I think I can see
the sea.

~EMP & SBP, April 2010


Erin said...

What a great image! That must be a pretty spiffy shell!

Beth said...

It's beautiful, and of course broken (hence the window). S. came up with the window image all on her own, which I loved. I think we may try more of this mother-daughter poetry!