Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hooray for Biblical Literacy

During our Virginia trip, my mother-in-law passed on a water-squirt toy to the sweet girl. It was a little one she'd gotten from a box of Cheerios: a plastic version of the donkey from the umpteenth Shrek movie, and S. has been having a good time playing with it in the bathtub.

The sweet girl isn't familiar with the Shrek films, but she's quite enamored of movies these days, especially the first two Toy Story films. (We're hoping to make a family outing for the third in the theater.) So she was asking about the donkey. I've only ever seen the first Shrek film myself, and that was long ago when it was first released. I couldn't remember much beyond the fact that the donkey was voiced by Eddie Murphy, which I knew wouldn't mean a thing to her. So I told her that the movies were sort of funny fairy-tales and that Shrek was a friendly ogre and the donkey was his friend. "He's a talking donkey," I said.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, as light dawned in her eyes. "Sort of like the donkey in the Balaam story!"

I'm sure there's an essay or sermon illustration in there somewhere...

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