Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sweet Talk

True confession. We're turning the corner toward May and we're still eating Valentine candy conversation hearts.

The sweet girl loves those little hearts. So this year we got a big bag of them and we've been doling them out like treasure. After all these months, we're finally nearing the end of the bag, and she's still thoroughly enjoying them. She especially loves "reading" them and asking what the different phrases mean.

Today's said "sweet talk." What was sweet talk? she wanted to know.

"It's when you say something sweet to someone, like 'I love you,'" I explained.

"What are some other sweet talks?" she wondered. And then decided "I hug you," and "I kiss you" definitely qualified.

And then she sweet talked me and gave me a hug and a kiss.

It made an otherwise pretty discouraging day a whole lot brighter.


Erin said...

Awww. I think a nice dose of "sweet talk" is something we could all use every day!

Beth said...

Me too!