Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Parents, Kids and Jesus

Hat-tip to Janet at Quoth the Maven for putting me on to the very funny (and sometimes profound) blog "Stuff Christians Like." I clicked over there last night and read this wonderful post "Asking Our Kids to be a Mini Jesus." Does the daily walk of parenting teach us more about the love of God? Definitely worth a read if you're a parent, and maybe especially if you're not.

And oh, did it bring back memories of the toddler toothpaste wars...


Erin said...

I went over and checked that out too; looks like a blog I'll be checking back in on! Actually I added him on Facebook, so that'll keep me in the loop. He's got some really interesting insights!

Beth said...

Oh, good idea! It's definitely a blog worth checking back in on...

And I just corrected an really blush-worthy typo in this original post. (Yes, I do know the difference between "there" and "their"...I was just in a hurry!) ;-)