Friday, April 07, 2006

National Poetry Month

Tired from a too long day, I'm jangling
with bumblebuzz of Irish Breakfast tea...

yep! past midnight and I'm blogging again!


April may be "the cruelest month" but here's one lovely thing to remember: it's also National Poetry Month. Check out for all kinds of goodies.

I spent a few minutes on the site this evening, trying to unwind, and found out about a wonderful project called "Life/Lines." Poets and readers send in lines of poetry that mean something to them, lines they've suddenly recalled or that they've found lodged in their hearts for years. Brief reflections on why those certain lines of poetry stick with them are included. The project's ongoing -- apparently anyone can send in their favorite lines of poetry.

I'm too tired to think properly, but here are a few favorite lines that come to me now as I let my mind wander...(these are just as they come to me; I can't vouch for accuracy of punctuation or line breaks).

"Lord, send my roots rain."

"They also serve who only stand and wait." (This one was submitted by someone else on the site; it's long been a favorite of mine too.)

"Nature's first green is gold"

"Getting and spending we lay waste our powers"

"I shall be the gladdest thing under the sun!"

"I saw eternity the other night, like a great ring of pure and endless light"

"That never was America to me"

Interesting what pops up when you're tired! More soon...and I'll identify all poets later too (if anyone wants to guess or knows who they are, feel free!).

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