Sunday, March 09, 2008

Belated Literary Birthday: Theodor "Seuss" Geisel

Think of birthdays with red punch
and birthdays with cake;
Think of books you can read
and fun things you can make!

Think of libraries, children,
the cat in the hat.
Think of dear Seuss' birthday...
just think about that!

I penned the above this morning in honor of the lovely time the sweet girl and I had yesterday at the little local library, celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday. The real Dr. Seuss, Theodor "Ted" Geisel, was born on March 2, 1904. He passed away in 1991.

The sweet girl had a wonderful time yesterday, especially making her own red and white striped paper hat, just like the one belonging to Seuss' famous cat. The cat himself (in this case, herself) put in an appearance, walking around the room and hugging all the kids before helping to serve the party cake and punch. And of course, there was a rousing rendition of The Cat in the Hat read by our town's children's librarian, and our old family friend, Amy (who originally got both me and D. into library work at the seminary almost a decade ago).

After years of smiling nonchalance about Seuss books, the sweet girl has become a huge fan of the Dr. in recent months. It started with There's a Wocket in My Pocket and has progressed from there. Her current favorite is Oh, The Thinks you Can Think -- hence this morning's poem!


Edna said...

Hi! I liked your poem. My class had fun with Dr. Seuss day, too. We didn't do as much as I would have liked, because we had standardized testing (and don't even get me started on how inappropriate that is for first graders) all week. They just loved the books we read. I think we hit "Do You Even Know How Lucky You Are", "The Foot Book", "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street", and, of course, the favorite: "Green Eggs and Ham".

My favorite is when, halfway through, oh, the fifth or sixth Dr. Seuss book that we've read, one child tells me very confidently, "This is a rhyming book, isn't it?".

We also had some fun with students creating their own person/machine/animal/etc. and giving it a crazy name.

Beth said...

Glad glad you and your class had fun on Dr. Seuss day. Hmm, yes, I do think he wrote rhyming books! :-)

My daughter LOVES *The Foot Book* by the way -- I think she has the whole thing memorized.

What wonderful gifts Theodor Geisel left behind him.

Erin said...

A very worthy thing to think about! And reading your poem has me itching to read Oh, The Thinks You Can Think! again. I always liked that one too. :)

Beth said...

You know, I'm realizing I had major gaps in my Seuss library/education when I was growing up. So many of his books I know by title, but when I actually sit down and read them with S., they feel brand new. Either I didn't know them, or only read them once or twice and they didn't "stick." That's how it felt with "Oh, the Thinks you Can Think" which has quickly become a favorite of mine as well! S. has been "building" Seuss characters from stuffed animals while she's supposedly napping. "Today I made a rink-rinker-fink!" she announced on Sunday...

Erin said...

Hee! I've always wanted a zizzer-zazzer-zuzz myself, but I never found quite the right plush substitute...

Beth said...

Ah! Check out the Kohl's Cares for Kids Program this month: No Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz, but they've got four plush Seuss characters: one of the fuzzy bear-like creatures from Hop on Pop, Horton, Yertle, and the Fox from Fox in Socks. Very cute! They've got the books too...and all of them are at good prices with money going toward a good cause. I meant to post about it a while ago. I also meant to purchase something but haven't had a chance. Hope the sale's still running!

Beth said...
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