Thursday, March 08, 2007

You Know It's Been Winter A Long Time When...

Last summer when the sweet girl was totally enamored of every pine tree in sight, we explained the word "evergreen" to her. "We call them evergreens," we explained, "because they stay green forever. They're always green, even in winter." She has repeated it numerous times.

Her Daddy informed me of her new, creative twist on the concept this morning. They were getting into the car -- our dirty, salt encrusted car that has seen plenty of snowy, icy, dirty roads this winter. S. looked at the car and announced, "It's everdirt, because the dirt stays there forever!"


Erin said...

Hehehe! Right now our whole city seems encrusted in everdirt...

Beth said...

Our town is covered in everdirt too! Though at least we're getting some rain today...

And soon you will be in sunny San Diego! Hooray!